Monday 13 January 2020

Introduction to Networking

We all uses networking in our day to day life in the form of internet, WiFi, Ethernet cables and etc.
Today I am going to tell you about Netwoking.
So lets start from our first step...

Step 1

To understand Networking we all should know about networking devices so lets begin with networking devices...
Here I mentioned some important networking devices please go through them atleast one.

Hub A hub is a networking device which collects data and send it to all the other deices connected to the network. We can say that it doesn't have its own mind because in hubs the data which is received by it is sends to all the devices and it leads to less security.

It operates at the physical layer of the OSI Model. 

Image result for hub

switches: A switch is like a hub but it has some mind by which it is little different from the hub. Actually a switch collects data and send it to its proper destinaton by using IP address. Switches are used to connects multiple computers together in a network likke a hub but it sends the specific to the specific destination and not to all thats why it is little smarter than the hub. 

It operates on the Data-Link-Layer of the OSI Model.

Image result for switches 48 port

Repeater: A repeater is a device which regenerates the signals before it become too weak and corrupted. A repeater is generally sets at every 100 meters because after that the signals frequency becomes weak.

As there is one port for input and one port for output thats why it is a two port device.
They operates at the Physical layer of the OSI Model.

Image result for repeater in computer network

Bridge: A bridge is a repeater which has some additional functions that it filters content of data which is receiced by it by reading MAC address of source and destination. Like repeater it is also a two port device.
It operates at the Data-Link-Layer of the OSI Model.

Image result for gateway
Routers: It is a device which connects two or more networks together. It connects LAN and WAN together for sharing resourecs over the network by using IP address.
It operates over the Network layer of the OSI Model.

Image result for router

Gateway: A gateway is basically work as the messenger agents that take data from one system, interpret it, and transfer it to another system. A gateway can operate over each and every layer of OSI model. They are complex devices as compare to routers and switches.
It operates at the Network layer of the OSI Model.
Image result for gateway

Modem: (Modulator and Demodulator) A modem actually modulates one or more carrier wave signals to encode the digital information for transmission and also demodulates the signals to decode the transmitted information.
Image result for modem

Firewall: It is a network security system that monitors and controls incomming and outgoing network traffic.
It actually works as a barrier between  a trusted internal network and untrusted external network.
It helps to prevent from hackes.
Image result for firewall

So firstly know about these above devices and then we will go to our next step.

Source: Wikipedia and google images

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